Thursday, August 27, 2009


She told me her inclination was to avoid romance and endure a friendship that freed her. I had walked a mile with this envy, torturing my libido. Torching my straw house. And then we kissed again in my memory. It ceases to be in that moment.

A simple unanxious moment.

It is an unerring infatuation.
And we would kiss again, yet with questionable authority. Her children still yearning to be fed. These conceptions of self-worth and contempt, compounded in a mission statement, complicated in desire, though undiluted in consequence. They are somehow familiar with this pride.

--If I could disregard all my feeling, I would.
--But it's rare, you know. It's cheap, and I give.

It's the sensation after labor. It's the accomplishment, but more. It's fulfillment and exhaustion. When you've leveled all of your ability for it. When it's nothing but impetus and will.

Except that there is no labor. And nothing defined as such.
So I leave it for opportunity to decide, as virtues will not walk with me.

I can always live with the animals.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


sometimes, just 'fuck it' is the right way.
preconceptions leads to failure.

new spice

Her smell,
was like a new
I hadn't,
until that moment
we were

She made me
nervous, exposed
my fraudulence.
These things
were always without
touch, or a

And I hated loving
her wisdom
made beautiful
her words
forgot to hear.

I feel
than I know.

And in self-preservation,
my fraudulence


I am a fossil
designed by time
designated for removal
yet determined to exist
in dingy discord
with dissension for debutants
of demure design.
I disassociate from diversity
with dismal diatribes
drafted in discipline
and dispensed with dignity.
Duly discerning the decibel
of my destructive discourse
does demonstratively indicate
a derogatory disposition,
though diligence and decency doesn't divulge
a delightful dose of desire so adeptly.
I don't deduce
I should dig any deeper
into this diversion.


Representative of the gypsy, emblematic
pragmatic, plus one in the bag
gone for a summer
I've milled throughout this fiction's claim
gone until winter
gone for the summer
circumventing the fall

A milieu of modern promise and praise
when the day's apprentice
left to hold the sun's reign
he was gone for the summer
enticing the fall

Our sanctity prevails
over untreated allegory
as she failed me once aside the ocean
gone for a summer
revealed in the fall
gone without winter

Abdicating patience
in an omnipresent fog
this presence of mind resigns us to peace
and I am set at ease
in the mountains of Tennessee

To see beyond reason
yet continue to fall
long gone is the altruistic winter
far gone is the fog

Absence in opposition
now the sole distinction to be held by the spring
I have come to embrace the fall